What is the difference between Cortex-M33 and M23?

The Cortex-M33 and Cortex-M23 are 32-bit processor cores designed by ARM for microcontroller applications. Both utilize the ARMv8-M architecture and

Scott Allen 7 Min Read

ARM Cortex-M Instruction Set

The ARM Cortex-M is a group of 32-bit RISC ARM processor cores licensed by Arm Holdings. The Cortex-M instruction set

Elijah Erickson 5 Min Read

Saving Cortex-M4 Processor State for Power-Down and Resume

The Cortex-M4 processor, like most modern processors, supports power-down modes to conserve energy when the system is idle. To properly

Javier Massey 6 Min Read

Which compiler is used for the ARM Cortex-M processors?

The ARM Cortex-M processors are a very popular family of 32-bit RISC microcontrollers designed and licensed by ARM Holdings. They

Graham Kruk 7 Min Read
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STM32F407 Features & Specifications

The STM32F407 is an ARM Cortex-M4 core-based high-performance microcontroller developed by STMicroelectronics. It offers advanced processing capabilities, high-speed connectivity, and

Graham Kruk 7 Min Read

What is low power mode in microcontroller?

Microcontrollers are integrated circuits that contain a processor core, memory, and programmable input/output peripherals. They are used in a wide

Mike Johnston 5 Min Read

What is the instruction set of the Cortex-M0?

The Cortex-M0 is a 32-bit ARM processor designed for microcontroller applications. It has a reduced instruction set computer (RISC) architecture

David Moore 6 Min Read

How to use ARM Toolchains for Disassembly?

Disassembly is the process of converting machine code back into assembly code. It allows you to see the low-level instructions

David Moore 15 Min Read

Little Endian Explained

Little endian is a memory architecture where the least significant byte of a word is stored at the smallest memory

Scott Allen 8 Min Read

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Arm’s Compare and Branch Instructions (CBZ and CBNZ) Explained

The ARM Cortex series of chips support conditional execution of instructions using the Compare and

Debugging Cortex-M1 on Arty without adaptor or DAPLink

Debugging embedded systems like Cortex-M1 on Arty board without a debug adaptor or DAPLink can

What is ARM GCC toolchain?

The ARM GCC toolchain refers to the compiler tools used to build applications for ARM-based

What size instruction is the cortex M0?

The Cortex-M0 is a 32-bit ARM processor core designed for microcontroller applications. It is one of the smallest and simplest

Graham Kruk 6 Min Read

What is the purpose of the MMU?

The MMU, or Memory Management Unit, is a component in computer systems that manages memory accesses and translates virtual memory

Ryan Ryan 9 Min Read

Interrupt Handling During Multi-Cycle Atomic Operations in ARM Cortex M3

The ARM Cortex M3 processor implements interrupt handling in a way that preserves the atomicity of multi-cycle instructions and operations.

Holly Lindsey 5 Min Read

How to use Cmsis DSP library in Keil?

The Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS) DSP library provides a wide range of digital signal processing functions that are

David Moore 7 Min Read

What instruction set does the Arm Cortex M0 support?

The Arm Cortex-M0 is a 32-bit RISC processor core that implements the Arm Thumb instruction set architecture. It supports a

Graham Kruk 7 Min Read

What is Instruction pipeline in Arm Cortex-M series?

The instruction pipeline is a key feature of Arm Cortex-M series microcontrollers that allows them to achieve high performance despite

Scott Allen 8 Min Read

ARM Cortex-M4 Block Diagram

The ARM Cortex-M4 is a 32-bit processor core designed for embedded applications requiring high performance and low power consumption. Its

Graham Kruk 15 Min Read

What is Data Cache in Arm Cortex-M series?

The data cache in Arm Cortex-M series microcontrollers is a small, fast memory that stores copies of data from the

David Moore 9 Min Read

First ARM Processor

The first ARM processor was designed in 1985 by Acorn Computers Ltd. Acorn was a British computer company founded in

Elijah Erickson 6 Min Read

Using External BRAM as Instruction/Data Memory for Cortex-M1

The Cortex-M1 processor allows for flexible memory configuration by supporting both internal and external memories for instructions and data. Using

Neil Salmon 5 Min Read

ARM Cortex M Assembly Tutorial

Assembly language is a low-level programming language that directly corresponds to a computer's underlying machine or assembly language. Unlike high-level

Graham Kruk 10 Min Read
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